Sunday, February 1, 2009

Project 2: Shadows, Midtones & Highlights - Color Photo


Steps recreated:
1. Duplicated the image
2. Adjustments Auto Levels, Contrast, and Color
3. Hue/Saturation – adjusted the reds-saturation, adjusted the yellows-lightness and saturation
4. Levels – raised the shadows levels in the Blues
5. Hue/Saturation – Edit Red – bumped up the Hue, decreased the Saturation, and bumped up the Lightness
6. Shadows/Highlights – Adjusted Shadows, Tonal Width and Radius for Shadows and Highlights.

I saved often as I made adjustments. I compared often between the original photo and the end result photo to see if I was making any headway or if I was totally blowing it. I focused in on the hue and shadows of the bedspread, the blue lighting from the window, the contrast of the light from the lamps and green hue from the lamp’s lighting on the walls. These areas were the most challenging.

One thing I am learning is to look at photos from a totally different point of perspective than before, paying attention to the shadows, highlights, and midtones, and seeing what is in contrast and in focus. Next thing to learn is how to use Photoshop more efficiently to achieve the results of what I am seeing.

1 comment:

  1. That's a good job you did. I like how the light on the wall continues over through the bed frame. I was having trouble with that being one big shadow. Lots of yellow too which I was having trouble with, and you really got the red to dialed in on the bedspread. Well done, good notes.
