Friday, January 16, 2009

CIOS 152 Orientation Quiz

A. What is something that is going well in my life?
My New Year's Resolution. - Everything will be fine in 2009.

B. What are my specific goals for this class?
My specific goals for this class are to learn photo restoration and manipulation, and learn new Photoshop techniques that I can apply to website development.

C. What was my first experience with computers and imaging technology like?
My first experience with computers was how do you make this thing work? My first experience with imaging technology was WOW this is way cool, I want to learn more.

D. Do you usually work on a Mac or PC and why?
I usually work on a PC because that is what I own. MAC’s are great especially when working with graphics.

E. What is my experience level with Photoshop or image editing programs?
My experience with Photoshop is somewhere in the middle range; I’m no beginner and no expert.

F. What is something I liked about my day today?
It is warm outside today, 42 above and not 45 below (I live in North Pole, AK). Also the sunrise this morning is BEAUTIFUL!

G. How do you plan to use what you learn in this class?
Website development and photo restoration.

H. What would make this class go very well for you?
Fun, challenging, and creative assignments. Feedback from other students, positive criticism, likes and dislikes of projects and why, etc.

I. How do you make plan to make this class go well for you?
Giving my 110 percent :)

J. What do I do for creativity?
Lately not much, but I like playing around with graphics on the computer, photography, and creating websites. Working with code is fun too. I like the idea of putting numbers and letters together and seeing what you get.

K. Who are John and Thomas Knoll?
John and Thomas Knoll are brothers and are creators of Photoshop (or if not thee creators they are right at the top of the list).

L. Do you own or have access to a color image scanner?
Yes, I have access to a color scanner.

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